Education and Emigration

Success in higher studies, professional courses, technical subjects, competitive examinations for top position or chances for a career abroad depends on the strength of the planets ruling and occupying houses 9 & 12 in your natal horoscope. The planets transiting in those houses from your Sun-sign or Rising sign will be helpful. Chances are bright for higher education or career abroad, if rulers of houses 9 & 12 are in own signs, ruler of 9th house in the 12th or vice versa or Jupiter, Neptune, Sun, Venus, Moon or Mercury in 9th or 12th house or a number of planets in the natural 9th sign Sagittarius. The ruler of the ascendant (The Rising Sign of Lagna) in the 9th or 12th house or vice versa can also create interest and opportunities for education and emigration. Only a horoscope cast according to Sayana or Tropical system should be observed. Houses 5 & 3 and their rulers also will be helpful for education.


Houses 6-8-12 and their rulers, if linked with career related angles like the 10th or 2nd, favour courses like medicine, pharmacy, veterinary science, biology, food technology, physics, chemistry, nursing and other allied subjects. Virgo, Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio are more favourable for these subjects, if they happen to the Rising or Sun-sign. Mars, Saturn, Uranus in the 8th house and the signs Scorpio and Aries favour surgery. Leo and Aquarius, the fifth house and the planets Sun and Uranus favour cardiology.
Cancer, Leo and Scorpio, the 5th & the eighth house and the planets Moon, Mars, Pluto and Sun favour gynaecology, genetics and padiatrics. The eighth house, Scorpio and the planets Mars, Venus and Pluto favour studies relating to the diseases of sex, urine, bladder, kidneys, and excretary system. The 12the house, 2nd house, Pisces and Sun, Neptune and Venus favour studies relating to eye diseases. Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus, Virgo and the planets Saturn, Venus and Mercury favour specialisation in skin diseases. Saturn, Mars and Capricorn, Taurus & Aries are good for dentists and orthopaedicians. Mercury, Neptune, Uranus, and the 12th house signs Aries and Pisces favour neurology, psychiatry, psychotherapy and specialisation in mental and brain diseases. Gemini, Taurus, Libra, Aquarius, Cancer and the planets Mercury, Uranus, Venus and Moon favour specialisation in the diseases related lungs, throat, neck, chest, noe and ears; and Virgo for gastritis.


Mercury, Mars, Saturn and Uranus should be strong for Engineering subjects, technical education and crafts. Mars and Uranus favour aviation, automobiles, electricals, electronics, computers, telecommunications, atomic energy and space craft. Neptune and Moon favour marine engineering and chemical engineering. Mercury and Venus favour architecture and civil engineering, interior decorations, crafts, sculpture, textile engineering. Moon, Mercury, Cancer and Virgo favour catering and hotel management.
Mercury and Saturn favour mechanical engineering. The 5th & 12th houses, Venus, Neptune and Mercury and the signs Leo, Pisces, Libra and Gemini encourage performing and fine arts like music, dance, drama, painting, acting, sculpture and studies relating to beautification, cosmetics, make-up, photography, perfumes, floriculture, etc. Sun, Mars and Jupiter and the signs Sagittarius, Leo & Aries and houses 9& 10 favour law, politics and studies relating to management and administration. The planets Mercury and Jupiter, the signs Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and the house 2, 8, 9 and 6 favour economics, statistics, accounts, costing, auditing, commerce and secretarial practice and allied courses. Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune, the signs Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo and Pisces and the house 9, 12, 5 and 3 should be strong for language, literature, psychology, research, journalism, printing technology, communications, academic professions, foreign affairs houses 6,12 & 4 and the signs Virgo, Cancer and Pisces encourage agriculture.
Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and the house 8, 12 & 9 will be significant in the birth charts of people who are interested in astrology, palmistry, numerology, hypnotism, magic spiritual healing and occult science. Strong planets in the 9th house and 12th house encourage scientific research and development, teaching, councilling,journalism, writing and management of educational institutions and coaching centres. These houses intensify the urge to impart the knowledge to others, exhibit the talents and communicate the view or information. They favour jobs in the departments of information, tele-communications, education, news and electronic media, publications, publicity and also non- intellectual fields like, travel, tourism, transport, passport, foreign relations, exports and imports, religious, endowments, etc., if these houses are related to 10th house which signifies career. Education may become the career for some. There are persons who went abroad to work as professors.

Two interesting cases are given hereunder to prove the fact and the influence of planets. A famous professor born on 19-5-1921 at 5.00AM in Rajahmundry worked as a professor in foreign university and in different universities in India, completed 50 years of teaching career, later held dignified positions like chairman of official language, head of the department of Astrology and many other institutions and wrote some valuable books. Taurus, the sign of Venus rises at birth with Venus in the 12th house. Mercury, the planet who rules his 5th house of learning and teaching and also the 2nd house of earning is in own sign Gemini alongwith Mars who rules the 12th house, an excellent combination for teaching and oration. He spoke on several subjects in hundred of conferences and seminars. Saturn who rules the nineth house-higher education, occupies Virgo, the 5th house another indication of education, and another sign of Mercury. Here all the three houses 12-5-9 are responsible for continuous academic career. He is a doctorate, a post graduate in Telugu, Sanskrit, Hindi and a foreign language.

A frustrated post graduate in Science born on 7.7.1964 at 11.22 AM in Berhampur wanted to know whether he could get a clerical job. He is advised to look for an academic career and go aborad for further studies and research. He laughed and said he could never dream of studies or career abroad, as he belongs to a lower middle class family. But his horoscope shows a clear indication of an academic career abroad, and a foreign trip that too, within a month! So he is advised to look for an opportunity on scholarship basis. A notification appeared in a daily in the next week, he applied for it, got selected and went abroad, completed research and became a professor. Now he is Prague, Czechoslavakia. Libra, the sign of Venus rises at birth. Venus occupies Gemini- the 9th house which signifies education and foreign affair; alongwith Moon which rules the 10th house of career and also Mars which rules the 2nd house of income. Mercury, the ruler of 9th in the career angle in the sign of Moon which is in 9th, in the sign of Mercury. Uranus who is the ruler of his 5th house, is in the 12th Virgo another sign of Mercury. The event which he could not even dream of, happened to his surpise, because of the strength of planets in the 9th & 12th.

Education need not be the main basis for career. Even the uneducated or less educated persons can shine well in business, arts, crafts, sports, politics, agriculture or other fields, even better than highly qualified persons. Some people qualified in a particular subject may prefer a career in a field entirely different and not at all concerned with their qualifications. A doctor may be an actor or minister. A person qualified in Science Law and Journalism preferred Astrology and later shifted to spiritualism. Another scholar who has four or five post graduate degrees, settled in academic career and now appeared for M.A. Astrology! because of the strong education planets. September 5, the Teacher's Day is the Birthday of Late Dr. Radhakrishnan, a philosopher, writer, orator, ambassador, who rose to the highest position in politics and became the President of India! because of the strong planets in the 12th & 9th.


The same houses 9 & 12 also favour a trip abroad or immigration. Moon progressing in the 9th or 12th house can trigger the event, as in the case of the professor now in Prague, Czechoslovakia. Transits in 9th or 12th sign from Sun-sign or Ascendant can help to go abroad, if there is a promise in the individual horoscope.
Sagittarius is the nature 9th sign and Pisces in the 12th sign from Aries. Sun transits in these signs between November 22 and December 21 and between February 20 & March 20. These periods are generally favourable for foreign travel and particularly the natives of Sagittarius, Aries of Pisces.
Now Uranus is travelling in its own sign Aquarius alongwith Neptune. It is the 9th sign for Geminians and the 12th for Pisceans. So chances are more for the natives of Gemini and Pisces for foreign travel, as well as higher education.