You can become an Actor, Artist, Writer, Magician, Sculptor or Beautician with the blessings of Neptune- the Planet of Fantasy, Illusion,Mystery and Maya. We know certain things are not real, but Neptune can make them look real with its magical power. While dreaming, we feel that all that appears in the dream is true, but when we wake up we realise it is illusion.
We know that the stories, novel and the characters in them are fictitious and not real but when we read the stories, we feel that the characters and events are real. An actor also creates the same illusion, when we witness a film or drama. We appreciate the deeds of the hero, enjoy the jokes of the comedian, hate the villian and feel sympathetic towards the unfortunate character though we know that all of them are fictitious.
Neptune gives us the ability to visualise our thoughts and themes and see the imagined pictures which are not visible to the naked eye. It governs the inward eye. The 12th sign is ruled by Neptune. Until the discovery of Neptune, the traditional ruler was Jupiter. But modern astrologers assigned the rulership of Pisces to Neptune after careful ob- servation and research. It is known as Varuna in Indian Astrolo- gy, but Varuna is not a planet. As there is no such planet in Indian Astrology, Neptune is given that name because Varuna is the Sea God like Neptune.
Pisces is a water sign. "Two Fishes swimming in opposite direction" is its symbol. The seas, rivers, tanks and all liquids including water,oil, juices, fuel, essences, milk, honey, etc., are the properties of Neptune. The fishes and other being, pearls and other valuables found in the waters, fountains, swimming pools, ships, boats sea-voyages, salt, sugar, ice and other products of liquids belong to Neptune.
Pisces governs the "FEET" in the body. Shoes, socks, foot ball, dance, flooring material, carpets, mats, the bed furniture, wheels, tyres, vehicles and animals,etc. are also included in the list of the properties of Neptune.
Pisces is the 12th sign of the Zodiac. So all matters relating to the 12th house in a horoscope are governed by Neptune. The following affairs relate to the 12th house.
1. Inward eye-Imagination-Illusion-Instuition-images, prophacy-Imitation-Mimicry- Acting-Fiction-Arts-Vision- Television-Magic.
2. Mental activities-Psychology-Psychiatry-Lunacy- Meditation- Mental hospitals-Sleep- Insomnia-Dreams.
3. Research - Teaching - Invention - Journalism- Investigation- Transmission- Information-Publication- Review-Revision-Recollection.
4. Secrecy-Conspiracy-Smuggling-Selfundoing-witch craft.
5. Solitude- Escapism- Evasion- Hiding- Captivity- Imprisonment-Sacrifice- Renunciation.
6.Temple-Ashram-Jail-Asylum-Hostel-Hospital-Theatre- Lodge- Restaurant-Recreation- Foreign affairs.
7. Subconscious mind - Unconscious state - Drugs- Intoxicants.
8. Spiritualism-Deception-Dependence.
Neptune governs duplicating material and transparent materials such as prints, photographs, pictures, films, xerox, copying, forgery, imitation acticles, counterfeits and also glass, mirrors, lamination, polished goods, plastics, glazed tiles, etc.
If Neptune in the horoscope is concerned with career, income or work and houses 10-2-6, one may settle in one of the occupations in the above fields. One may become a successful artist if the fifth house of creativity is strong and related to career, and if Neptune, Venus and Mercury are the significators. Venus is the planet for art, beauty and attraction and Mercury is the planet for communication, gestures, voice, thoughts and actions.
Taurus and Libra are the signs of Venus. Gemini and Virgo are the signs Mercury. Pisces is the sign of Neptune. The planet which occupies or rules the 5th house is important for artistic career because it indicates creativity and skills. These signs, planets and the houses 5 and 10-2&6 played the major role in the horoscopes of the actors, Amitab Bachan, NTR, ANR, Rekha, Madhuri Dixit and Karishma Kapoor.
Born on 11.10.1942 at 3.55 PM in Allahabad with the following positions of planets: Ascendant Pisces 12-56, Jupiter in Cancer 23-56 in the 5th house. Neptune, Venus, Mercury, Sun and Mars in Libra-the sign of Venus. Pisces the sign of Neptune was rising at birth. Five planets including Neptune, Venus and Mercury are in Libra-the sign of Venus. The 5th house-Cancer was occupied by Jupiter which rules his 10th house-career. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. Venus-the planet of arts is in own sign-Libra. All the significators are strong and helped him to reach a top position in filmfield as an Actor and earn fame and wealth.
Born on 28.5.1923 at 4.37 PM in Nimmakur near Gudiwada with Neptune in the 10th and Venus in the 7th in own sign Taurus. The 10th degree of Scorpio was rising at birth, very close to Moon 11.30 and Jupiter 11-19. Neptune in Leo 15-39 very close to the career angle. Vanus is in its own sign Taurus 8-12 in the 7th house. Mercury is in own sign Gemini 7-0 alongwith Sun 6-04 and Mars 28-23.
The 5th house of creativity falls in Pisces, the sign of Neptune which occupied the 10th house or career angle. The career planet Sun is in Gemini-the sign of Mercury alongwith Mercury and Mars. Venus-the planet of art was powerful in its own sign Taurus-in the 7th house of popularity. All the significators being very strong, he occupied a high position as an actor in the "Reel World", acted in a number of films for over four decades and received a number of awards and titles.
Born on 20.9.1924 at 9.03 AM in Gudiwada, with Venus and Neptune together in the career angle. The 10th degree of Scorpio was rising at birth. Mercury is in own sign Virgo 12-46 alongwith Sun 26-52. Moon in Gemini 15-58 the sign of Mercury, aspecting Jupiter which is in own sign, Sagittarius 12-54. Pisces-the sign of Neptune is in the 5th house of creativity and the Ruler of the 5th is very close to the career angle alongwith the Venus-the Planet of Arts.
These strong positions of the significators elevated him to the highest place in the "Reel World" as an actor. The ever-green hero acted in a number of films for nearly five decades and is still acting! He earned a number of prestigious awards and titles, fame, popularity and wealth.
Both NTR & ANR were born when the same degree-10th degree of Scorpio was rising at birth, though their dates of birth differ. There is astrological significance for this degree. It is shown as the degree of acting in the Book- "The Degrees of the Zodiac symbolised" by Charubel : "A man wearing a mask as in a play" in the symbolic meaning of 10th degree of Scorpio. The person is always capable of playing a part and attracting admirers- says the author. All those with this degree may not become "Reel" actors, but may be acting in Real Life. This is a striking feature to note in both the horoscopes.
Chiranjeevi - career, prospects and future basing on the date of birth given in cinema magazine, i.e. 22.8.1955 10.00am Bhimavaram, the chart is interpreted. The Sayana positions at birth are Lagna, Moon & Neptune in Libra almost near conjunction. 5th lord Uranus, the ruler of house of talents, in 10th the house of profession. Sun in his own sign, Leo, the 11th house, together with mars, Venus and Pluto in almost conjunction. Jupiter is also in 11th house but squared by Saturn from Scorpio. All the planets of politics clustered together in a royal sign. The position of Moon-Neptune conjunction in sextile with Venus is very good for acting and film field. Added to it 5th lord in 10th indicates a profession related to fine arts and artistic talents. The conjunction of Venus, Mars and Sun will give every force to the artistic field and gainful investments in the field. Though Jupiter is in square with Saturn, mercury from its own sign is sextiling with Saturn and hence the adverse impact if any is reduced.
Uranus in 10th indicates changes in profession and a possible up and down in profession as Uranus is squared by 10th lord Moon. However the planets in 11th sextiling with Moon and Neptune in first gives the ultimate success and upward direction. Uranus is also the planet for politics. Sun in own sign, the royal sign, together with Mars and Jupiter is very good for political career. The only disadvantageous position is Lagna in Libra, a sign of vacillations, and Moon the planet for popularity, fluctuations and changes in the ascendant. This first house position gives an indecisive mind and mood to the native.
Now Moon is progressing in 9th house and trining with natal moon during June 2001 and around his birth date moon is sextiling Jupiter, thereafter sextiling with Sun, Mars, Venus indicate an important positive change in his career and popularity. Around the same time moon is also squaring the progressed Mars, which may give rise to some disputes or problems legal or otherwise. However it may not harm much as the natal moon and mars are in good aspect. Most likely this period may give an opportunity for entry into politics. In spite of hesitation and vacillation caused by natal moon's presence in Lagna, if entered in to politics, he is sure to shine well and reach new heights and attain high places of position.
However when progressed moon enters 10th house and conjoins with Uranus and square moon and Neptune around first half of 2004, every likely hood that there may be some change in the party or career which will be ultimately good for him as progressed sun sextiles natal Jupiter. There after the career will be bright and stabilised when progressed moon enters 11th house and joins Jupiter and all other planets one after another and sextiles natal Moon and Neptune.
Born on 15.05.1966 at 8.00PM in Ratnagiri. Sagittarius, the sign of Jupiter was rising at birth. Jupiter was exalted in cancer 1- 56. The planet of art-venus occupied the 5th house of creativity very close to the cusp of the fifth 11-58 Aries. Mercury who rules her career angle (Virgo 12 deg.) occupies Taurus, the sign of Venus alongwith Sun and Mars all aspected by Neptune and Pisces-the sign of Neptune was occupied by Moon and Saturn in good aspect to Neptune in the 12th. All the significators in the horoscope made her a successful actress in the filmdom.
Born on 10.10.1954 at 1.15 AM in Madras. Leo, the 5th sign of the Zodiac was rising at birth. The ruling planet Sun was in LIbra-the sign of Venus, alongwith Neptune. The ruler of fifth house-Jupiter was exalted in Cancer as in the case of Amtab and Madhuri. It is in exact good aspect to Venus. Moon was in Pisces, the sign of Neptune in good aspect to Mercury. The 10th house which indicates career is ruled by Venus. The strong significators brought her good name, fame and popularity both in the South & North.
Born on 25.6.1975 at 12.00 Noon in Bombay when Virgo-the sign of Mercury was rising at birth-while Mercury was in the career angle-Gemini in its own sign in good aspect to Venus which indi- cates her income. The moon occupied the fifth house of creativi- ty. These positions enhanced the charisma of Karishma Kapoor. It may be noted that the planets Neptune, Venus and Mercury, their signs and the 5th house played the key role in these six horoscopes.