Annual Predictions - 2024

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Individuals with Aries sun sign would enjoy improved financial fortunes this year. This is a good time to ask for a raise. There would be positive mental attitude, the individuals would enjoy harmonious communication with brothers, sisters, friends and neighbors and the individual does more traveling than usual, both long and short distance. This is a favorable time for writing and gathering factual knowledge. There might be a stagnation in the above mentioned aspects during the last quarter of the year. For the first half of the year, there would be an increased interest in meditation, individuals may be involved with ashrams or spiritual retreats in some way. Some individuals may be involved in some form of psychological therapy, and/or work with secret organizations. The individuals can expect dramatic changes in financial affairs with unexpected financial gains and losses.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Individuals with Taurus sun sign would have an optimistic outlook, increased self confidence and focus on self improvement this year. They would enjoy improved financial fortunes. There would be involvement in serious and professional friendships. The individual may assume a role of leadership or administrative responsibility in a group or an organization. This year marks friendships with older, mature or established individuals. This is a favorable time for pursuit of serious intellectual and scientific interests. There would be radical changes in self awareness and an interest in new ideas. The individual has a desire for greater personal freedom and is willing to sacrifice his or her security to gain it. There might be a general slowdown in the above mentioned aspects during the last quarter of the year.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Individuals with Gemini sun sign would benefit from introspection and meditation this year. The individuals appreciation of art, religion, philosophy is deepened. They would have an optimistic outlook and increased self confidence. There would be increased professional responsibility and ambition for career position and status. The individual may receive promotion or recognition professionally and be given additional responsibility in relationships with superiors or government agencies. One can also be drawn to a career in art, entertainment, psychology. The private affairs of the individual’s life may suddenly and drastically change for better or worse. There might be a general slowdown in the above mentioned aspects during the last quarter of the year.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Individuals with Cancer sun sign would benefit from friends and organizations this year. Friendships are established with people who are associated with universities, cultural institutions and often with foreigners. The individuals would benefit from introspection and meditation this year. The individuals are likely to seek out higher education as a means to professional advancement. There would be a practical approach to education and this year could mean a heavy, difficult academic workload. The individual is likely to become involved in professional activities related to law, travel, religion and education. There could be likely travel for business reasons. During this year, the individual is likely to have a broad minded and humanitarian attitude towards people. New friendships are often established with interesting and unusual people. There might be a general slowdown in the above mentioned aspects during the last quarter of the year.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

For individuals with Leo sun sign, personal advancement and expansion along with public honor and recognition characterize this year. This is a favorable year for lawyers, politicians, educators and foreign trade. The individual would benefit from travel for professional reasons and also from friends and organizations. There would be increased responsibility regarding joint finances, insurance and goods of the dead. The individual is likely to employ new and unusual methods of achieving professional goals and ambitions. There is often an involvement in corporate politics. The individuals professional activities are likely related to scientific, technological or corporate endeavors. There might be a general slowdown in the above mentioned aspects during the last quarter of the year.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

For Virgo individuals, this year would have an increased interest in religion, philosophy and travel. There is a tendency to seek out occult or religious friendships. This is a good year for traveling, philosophy and teaching. There is often an interest in new, unusual methods of higher education. Sudden opportunities for travel often occur during this year. There would be personal advancement and recognition. There would be increased responsibility towards others, through marriage or other partnerships. This can be a good time for professional partnerships and public relations. The individual might take up added responsibility through marriage and may marry or enter into a partnership with older or mature individuals. The individual might take long journeys in pursuit of cultural enrichment. There might be a general slowdown in the above mentioned aspects during the last quarter of the year.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

For Libra individuals, religious and philosophical interest in life after death or in the occult characterize this year. The individual may benefit from matters related to joint finances, insurance, taxes, corporate business and travel. There would be either new jobs or increased work responsibility. This is a good time for those whose work requires great skill and efficiency. There would be better health regime and dietary habits. This year, there will be ending of old conditions and the beginning of new ones. There might be a need to rework the old business agreements, which would affect joint finances, corporate money, taxes, alimony for better or for worse. The individual may become involved in enterprises of technical nature, involving electronics, science or engineering. There may also be an unexpected death of a friend or business associate. There might be a general slowdown in the above mentioned aspects during the last quarter of the year.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

For Scoprio individuals, this is a favorable year for marriage and establishing harmony in marriage and in partnerships of all kinds. There would be an increase in religious and philosophical pursuits. This would be a good time for handling public relation activities. It is a favorable time for artists, teachers, politicians, employers and arbiters. There would be increased responsibility due to romantic involvements or children. This can be a period of constructive work, discipline and giving form to creative ideas. The individual usually undergoes sudden changes in attitudes and ways of dealing with others. Old relationships may be severed and new ones developed. There might be a general slowdown in the above mentioned aspects during the last quarter of the year.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

For Saggitarius individuals, opportunities for employment, improved working conditions characterize this year. The individuals would have good health, personal appearance and harmony in marriage and partnerships. This is also a favorable time for finding good marriage partnerships. Increased domestic and family responsibility. This can be a good year for home improvement projects. The individuals may become involved in business related to real estate, farming, mining and food. The individual may change jobs, begin a new line of work, or make use of technological innovations. There might be a general slowdown in the above mentioned aspects during the last quarter of the year.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

For Capricorn individuals, this year characterizes expanded social activity and fulfillment in artistic expression and romance. Unexpected or unusual guests might stay at home. Creative artists, musicians and performers are likely to receive both inspiration and cultural recognition. Women who seek pregnancy are likely to be successful this year. There would be better opportunities for employment and better health. This is a good time to pursue education. The individuals work during this year is likely related to writing, teaching, communications or scientific research. The individual needs to be cautious in signing contracts and formulating agreements. There might be a general slowdown in the above mentioned aspects during the last quarter of the year.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

For Aquarius individuals, harmonious family relationships are enjoyed and there is mutual sharing and caring in the home this year. This would be a great time for a change of residence in a distant place. The individuals would benefit financially through real estate, food farming and domestic products. There would be increased financial and business responsibilities. There is a greater need for economy and prudence in one’s financial affairs. The individual can acquire wealth through hard work and good organization. Delays may occur in business affairs and in legal matters affecting finances. There might be a general slowdown in the above mentioned aspects during the last quarter of the year.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

The Pisces individuals would enjoy harmonious communication and visits with brothers, sisters, friends and does more traveling than usual. This is a favorable year for study, teaching and writing. This year would also characterize harmonious family relationships. There would be an increased sense of personal responsibility, self reliance and greater workload, accompanied by a tendency to fatigue. The individual tends to exercise a greater degree of constructive self-discipline and tends to be more reserved in personal manner and attitude. Having ended old cycles, they find new directions in life-work. There might be a general slowdown in the above mentioned aspects during the last quarter of the year.